We all have them, those dishes, and knick knacks that are too nice to give away to the thrift store, but not appealing, or to our taste at all, so just what do you do with them? I made a liberating decision today, well partially freeing, and I did feel rather euphoric after I did it. You see, it’s complicated, the dishes, and knick knacks are mostly ones that were given to me, so I felt guilty if I didn’t display them in our condo. Our place was so tiny, everything was on display, and if it was “missing in action” it would be very apparent when the giver came to visit. Now that we have a house, I could fib and say that they had a unfortunate accident during the move, but I would know that wasn’t true… so, no, I wouldn’t do that.

We now have more room, I have decided to put them into the basement for the time being, and when everything is unpacked, and organized, then I will deal with those items. Life is too short to be displaying Great Aunt Matilda’s hideous wedding clock forever… pack your bags, we’re going on a guilt trip if you get rid of it.

I honestly don’t know what to do with things that other people have gifted to me that just don’t work in my house, I am grateful that they thought of me, but sometimes our tastes just don’t run the same street. Am I obligated to keep them forever? Should they get a place of interest in my home if they remind me how much I don’t care for the item each time I see it? I have given what I thought were perfectly matched gifts to friends, and I know that they never see the light of day. I totally understand, if you don’t like it, don’t worry, I won’t be hurt. After it happens once I make sure to give you something consumable, that you don’t have to keep.

So this is both my guilt trip, and my dishy decision, to put them away, and deal with them later. They have been on show in my home for years. What would you do?