My Way of Living + Things

Spring you are so, just not into us.

Spring, you are a fickle season, a tease, uncommitted, and unrepentant. You are just not that into us! Are you? One day you show up, the next, you don't bother to call. You lead us on with warmer temperatures, sunny days, and bright shots of green, you temp us to drop the winter clothing, dance in the garden, and then, you leave. We thought you were such a exciting new friend. Today, you let your comrade, Snow call on us. Breaking up isn't that hard to do is it, when you use someone else to do it? Snow, that nasty white drifter. Showed up here, telling us to leave you alone, don't call, and don't try to see you. Fine, Spring, if that's what you want, we will leave you alone. For now. But our hearts are broken, we want you to know that. And next time we might not be so willing to accept your offer of friendship.

Garden, Performance, Seasons, and more:

Spring you are so, just not into us. + Things