My Way of Living + Story

About that fish tale, blame it on the winter
Winter hearts

Some of you asked if there was something going on the other day when I posted about gone fishing, nope nothing exciting at all, no reason, just… well read on and find out for yourself.
Ever have one of those really good days?
When the sun shines, and you think about writing a really happy blog post.
But you decide to go out for a drive first to enjoy the rare winter sunshine.
Because after all, life is about living in the moment isn’t it?
And then just as you raise your cell phone to take a quick photo of a old barn as your husband drives down the highway a little too quickly to really capture anything, but you have to try, your phone rings.
And you get to go out for lunch, unexpectedly, and isn’t life just generally good?
And then after you get home, the sun is shining, and wow, did you see how the sunshine highlights the dusty floor, you had better vacuum, and then you should really sit down and write that blog post. But first you grab the camera and take a few shots.
Then it’s almost time to make dinner, but as you sit with a cup of tea, and realize you kind of forgot to write a blog post, you think, I’ve had a really great day and I’m just going to sit and relax for just another minute… or two. Life is about living in the moment isn’t it?
And then I will write a blog post, I really will.
And the next thing you know is it’s much later, and you still haven’t written that blog post.
And dinner isn’t made.
There is a great show on TV after dinner, you think you will write that blog post after you watch the show. Sure you can.
The next thing you know, you’ve almost spilled the cup of tea all over yourself, because, well, you kind of had a little nap. It was a eventful day, and life is all about living in the moment isn’t it?
And now you should really write that blog post. After all, you more or less promised to post it didn’t you. And yes, your feet are sore from the long walk that you took today, and it was so cold outside that you were sleepy when you sat on the couch, but now it’s time to write that blog post.
But life is all about living in the moment… so you sit for just another moment.
Oh dear… you fell asleep again.
Now it’s late, and you still need to write that blog post. The cat is snoring besides you, the husband has gone to bed.

Winter Love

And you have a great idea for the post. What was it again?
Right, you can’t remember… could you claim to have nothing to write about, and write about that, but hey, didn’t you do that last week?
Well, maybe they forgot, but they will understand, after all you had to go out for lunch, the sun was shining, it’s almost expected to live in the moment. And you certainly had to vacuum, no one will hold that against you. That’s important, and so was making dinner, and all that. Blame it on the weather.
Now what were you going to write about?
Stop nodding off, stay awake, live every moment, life is about living in the moment. n ot nodding off in the dark.
Now you really should write that blog post.
Wishing all a very Happy Valentines Day!

Blog, Blogging, Dream, HAPPY, Photography, and more:

About that fish tale, blame it on the winter + Story