It’s a odd feeling to have pumpkins, and squash outside our front door and not having to worry about them rotting away, like we would on the coast. October used to be one big orange blur of pumpkins rolling in and out of the doors at the garden center. Lug em out, bring em in! Every morning, and night. Hundreds of pumpkins went through our doors each day. We all loved October, crisp days, falling leaves, mustering up all the shrubs, carting them off into the greenhouses for the winter. Fall decorating for Thanksgiving. And the best part was the arrival of the pumpkins, it was tricky timing, they only lasted a certain length of time because it was too warm and too wet on the coast. Pumpkins left outside in the rain too long rotted, or were smashed by teenaged vandals at night.

So our October routine was rolling the huge, and heavy 6 foot square metal carts of pumpkins out the front door each morning, placing them in creative ways among the hay bales and antique wagons.

At the end of the day we were hurrying around in the dark to find all the orange globes, piling them back on the pumpkin carts. Pushing those heavy carts up the incline to the front door that always threatened to send us back into the parking lot. They wanted to leave them out as long as possible, which meant rushing around to get them all inside before we left.

It’s much easier up here in the Okanagan, we have a front porch where they all stay nice and dry, no more taking them in and out, which makes me very happy.

I have been working on getting my blog to reflect the colors of Autumn, but each time I get started on a new header something comes up, or I change my mind about the color scheme. I really love those soft summer colors, and I would like to keep them for just a little longer… so a change is in the air, not just in our upcoming weather, but on here also. Just let me linger a little while longer in our summer like weather. Lingering……