I’ve hardly made any great claims to being a math wiz, but somehow, someone who can’t be named, mismanaged the chalkboard Christmas countdown, and we seem to have lost a few days to Christmas. A few days somehow did not get crossed off, as each frosty morning dawned dull and grey, not that the weather had anything to do with it.
Lost days, just before Christmas? No one wants to lose count this close, there are still so many things to be done, presents to shop for, gifts to wrap, cookies to bake. But somehow we got mixed up and crossed off too few days, and were blissfully shovelling powder snow instead of doing other things. Things like worrying how many days to Christmas, and silly stuff like that.
Good idea math wiz, you might be onto something here.

Honourable mentions go to my friend C, for sharing her Grandmother’s recipe with me, and guess what, the no fail pie crust didn’t fail… this is a first. And to think that my forgetfulness almost made it do so when I accidentally gazed at the chalkboard calendar for too long, counting days, and added the liquid to the flour, before I even cut in the shorting.
Despite my fears that I had made yet another batch of bad pastry… it all turned out, crispy, light, and flakey? Yes, flakey… I’m so happy, maybe Santa is bringing me pie making skills for Christmas after all.

It’s a delightful –7 C here during the day… never thought that a temperature that used to chill us to the bone back on the coast could seem so warm. But after the much colder temps we have had last week, I guess it’s all relative isn’t it? My heart goes out to my blogger friends who are reading this and laughing at the thought of –16C being cold, and secretly calling us silly names, I said secretly.
And we have some snow… finally something to cover up the frozen plants. I like white, it’s pretty and clean, and fluffy, and crispy, and cute. And it all matches my blog colors, brown, and white, and grey, and light…

I had more things to share with you, but there are some wicked butter tarts that are calling my n ame, a lump of pastry dough in the fridge. And if I bake bread, the oven gives off heat, and I can start to feel my fingers again.

15 days to Christmas! Oh, here, let me check the chalkboard first… yes, it looks right, that’s a old photo.
Butter tarts, with raisins or without?