So it’s official, not only have we been here for a full year but we are now accepted as residents. Yes fully fledged members of… well that depends upon whom you speak to, and how much longer they have lived here than us. And whether or not they were born here, and are still living in the same house on the road named after Great Grandpa Harry because if you do, well then you are really from here, otherwise you are still just “those new people” and will remain so for life even if your parents have lived here for almost 20 years.

Seems we live in a Township, which in BC is a “settlement too small to be considered urban.” That would mean we live in the country, but depending upon which service provider you speak with, we either live in their imaginary town boundaries, or the township it’s self. It’s confusing, and if you give them the wrong answer you don’t exist in their computers.

But little does that matter, because yesterday we finally broke through the barriers to our Muddy Boot Dreams and successfully addressed, and received a reply from the snobbish cashier at the local hardware store, it almost made us giddy. Yes she actually spoke to us, in fact she was rather loquacious. Shocking, I know, and us being newcomers of a full year only.

The times they are a changing, well at least in this town, um township.