Well, we have gone and done it.
After years of denial.
Telling ourselves the we weren’t those kind of people.

That there was no way we would ever do it. Never be those kind of people that we secretly made fun of… And now we’ve done it. We’ve joked about reaching middle age, how it changed people. Smirking at those who reached that middle of life milestone, and went out and got them.
It seemed sad in a way, as if they were denying that they were aging… defying it to happen.
And then proudly showing them off, hey look at what we got.
No way we said.
Not going to happen.
Guess what?
They match.
I’m kind of embarrassed to tell you that.
Do you know how much I didn’t want them to match?
It was my biggest criteria.
But it’s done, they match.
Not much we can do about that.
Middle age creeps up on you in a very sneaky way, and you have to fight it all the way.
First it was the progressive lens… just for the small print we told ourselves.
Then it was giving up the high heels, for sensible flats, orthopaedic inserts.
And now.
Middle age has forced us to venture into territory that we swore we would never explore.
They match.
It barely hurt.
It didn’t even take that long.
I’m hoping it’s comfortable.
What were you thinking?
Don’t be silly.
They’re recliners.
We’re not that rebellious.
After finally admitting that my dreamy charcoal brown brand new sofa isn’t good for my back, I realized that I need a comfortable chair to sit in. My beloved had just gotten a recliner that is so comfy it makes you fall asleep in minutes. At least that’s what he is blaming it on.
It seemed prudent to purchase another for myself.
Middle age here we come, just greet us with open arms, and a smile, OK?
Otherwise, I am going to get matching tattoos.I’ve dropped the FB page and Pinterest boards for #FindJoyInTheOrdinary, and #FindJoy for now. Timing is everything, and I’m having great difficulty keeping up with visiting, and returning comments right now.
Many thanks to everyone who participated, can we give it a try again, maybe in January? #JanuaryJoy anyone? I have the feeling that we will all be looking for something to fill the gap between Christmas, and Spring, it should be fun.