I was in the dollar store and they called to me… pick us up. Take us home, and make something Christmassy and fun with us. Determined not to be sucked in, I walked away, left them there on the shelf, “no, I am not buying you, I have no need for turquoise feathers.” Oh who am I kidding… of course I went back and grabbed them after all Bootsie loves feathers he might find a use for them.

So there they sat for a few weeks, silently mocking me after the Boo took one sniff and refused to go near them again. I decided that our tree needs some feather wreaths, turquoise feather wreaths to be exact.

Simple to make, I cut a circle out of heavy card stock, and put some glue on it, then started to glue the feathers on in a circular pattern. Lots of glued to my fingers later… the finished product has a few sparkles, and shiny turquoise sequins on it, and a white bow. Perfect for my tree, or as a tag on a cute package.

I wanted to tell you what happened to me yesterday… I was out walking as the sun went down, and thought I saw a seagull flying towards me, the wings spread and slowly flapping. I was thinking I should watch out, they tend to splatter… so I looked up as it flew directly overhead. It was a full grown eagle,right over my head… and behind it, a juvenile… and then another eagle. Breathtaking and wondrous are the words that I would use to describe seeing these majestic birds in my backyard, I’m in awe.