Slipping in one last post for what will soon be the old year.
Fast away it passes.
Come the New Year, we welcome you with open arms, a fresh start, a new outlook!
And it’s a good time for us as bloggers to take a moment to reflect, think, dream… and yes, even plan ahead.

You know what my “it’s not a New Year’s resolution” is going to be?
Organizing my thoughts, trying to utilize a blog planner, and for the most part, maybe, if I can manage it, if things work out.
Having posts and ideas actually written down before the moment of the night before…
I know sparkly thoughts, and dreams… but still.
A blogger can hope, right? And there are so many things I would like to have done to the post after I hit publish… I’m sure we all do that, “oh I could have rewritten that, done that differently, added this or that.”
“Maybe you can teach a old blogger, new tricks… ”
We will see. Yes indeed, we will see.
Anyone out there use one, have used one?
Thinking about using one?
I could use some encouragement, and company if anyone does.
And to entertain you into the New Year… I’ve gathered a few of what I think might be some of my best posts.
Some you might have already read, some you might have missed.
“Some sparked a discussion, and your comments have always added that special touch.” Here they are: A lot seem to have come from January… must be the new fresh year feeling.
Learning to look… Winter can be a challenging time for photography.
Blogging boundaries: You didn’t just fall off of the turnip truck.
Blogging as yourself: Who we are online, how open we are, how real our voice is.
In praise of bright shiny new bloggers: They keep the blogging world fresh.
Blogging trends I’m glad are going: Oh my gosh, did I hit a chord or what?
Hello? Please hold for spring: Oh spring, you are one big tease.
Someone has eaten all of the cookies: The Boo is back, and rather naughty.
DIY painted photo backgrounds: Easy to make, lightweight, and very realistic looking.
The Selfie project: Photographers do make the worst models don’t they?
‘ Coffee filter roses: Simple, and so fun, gorgeous little flowers. Thanks to all of you who are reading my blog, hanging out, sharing, and commenting.
Blogging has changed my life in such wonderful ways.
My wish for you is that the coming year will be as full of life, and love as it can be. Happy New Year!