I wasn’t sure how to approach this. But I knew that I had to put it out there, b ecause we all need to find a little joy in our lives.
And to be grateful.

Especially this time of year.
It will be fun, I’m sure of it.
Especially at this time of year.
The start of the season of celebration.
Of love, joy, and giving.
With the days short bleak, dark, the nights long and cold.
Filled with white clouds that shake snow down from the skies like icing sugar from a sifter.
And because Winter is coming, there are signs of it all around us.
It’s really cold here, everything is frozen solid.
Autumn is gathering up her suitcase, leaving no trace behind.
The colorful leaves she decorated with are all gone now.
The light won’t linger, darkness comes early.
And it makes us wonder.
What will we write about? What will we take photos of?

How will we?
So how about?
Everyday beauty, learning to find joy in the ordinary.
There are people who can always be counted on to see it a little differently.
Looking beyond, to see what is missed.
All around them.
In everyday objects.
And those people are you.

Let’s create momentum.
Let’s share what we see, what we hear, what we think, what we write.
Describing snowflakes falling from the grey sky.
Outside in the still moment, stopped in time.
Boots lined up at the door.
Warm winter mittens, keeping out the cold.
Cat’s sleeping curled in circles, dog prints in snow deep.
In words, and images our thoughts, what we see.
To find joy, and share it, tell about it, in every day objects.
To talk, to capture our world, how it moves us, what it makes us think.
As sunlight flits across the wall before it disappears for the night.
Describing a beloved bowl on the counter, warm cookies scenting the house, sitting on a plate.
A steaming cup of Chai tea.
The song of a small bird on a bare branch, grateful for it’s dinner.

Let’s find joy in the ordinary, let’s share our finds, promote our posts, and inspire each other.
And still make this as simple as possible.
When you include a image, or words in your blog posts that makes you grateful, joyful, thankful, or inspired, u se the caption: Find Joy In the Ordinary on that part of your post so we can read about it.
- Send me a email me and request a invite to the Pinterest group board called #Find Joy In The Ordinary anyone can join in, you don’t have to be a blogger.
- Use your photos, words, what ever it is that gives you inspiration, things that help you to find joy in ordinary objects.
- Include the hashtag #Find Joy, or #FindJoyInTheOrdinary for your Pinterest pin description, and in your Instagram images so they can be found in the search engines.
- Pin the full post to the board, write a short description explaining what it is that you are inspired by. Don’t forget the hash tags.
- “Like” the Facebook page Find Joy In The Ordinary and post your inspirations.
I’m so looking forward to seeing what we as a village can come up with… there are so many simply beautiful things to appreciate and be grateful for out there… go for it!
Here’s a funny background story about these pomegranates used in my post. My Mom kept bringing them over, one by one, until we ended up with 3.
She thinks they’re attractive, and wanted me to use them as decorations, or as she puts it, “in a photo shoot.”
[What can I say, she’s a fan!]
I was happy that she thought of me, and appreciated her bringing them over, but I just couldn’t bring myself to eat any of them. I could only remember the one that I ate forever years ago… it’s just wasn’t my thing. All that hype about these warty looking red spheres? What’s the big deal, the one I had, was pithy, and bitter, and the seeds outweighed the juice.
After Goggling how to cut open a pomegranate, I rather cautiously cut the top off of one, split it open at the seams, and carefully pulled it back.
Clicked off a couple of shots, and moved it around a bit, a seed fell out, I was hungry, I ate it.
And simply fell in love!
It’s delightful, juicy, tart, and sweet, all at the same time.
So I guess, Moms always do know best, and I think you should give them give them a try if you haven’t already.

Something else you might like to try is new Silk Creamy Cashew. It’s very creamy, thick, and is a great substitute for dairy in baking, and cooking. I loved using it instead of dairy in my Chai tea, it tasted great.
And since it has less calories then skim milk I don’t feel guilty having this treat more often.
You can read my blog post, and more about how I used it here.
You can visit Silk Canada’s Facebook page for great ideas, recipes and more.