I’ve written this post so many times in my head. Hoped, and dreamed of endless skies, and new horizons, envisioned it to be true, thought about what it would feel like when I could finally hit the publish button and say it once and for all… we are moving.
It was always in the unknown future, that date, the time, when I could announce that our Muddy Boot Dreams have come true. When would it happen, how would it feel?
Well it’s true, our new future does indeed involve endless skies, and new horizons.
Pinch me, I can’t believe it’s true. We have sold, and all of our ties with White Rock are in the process of being undone. We are moving at the end of November. That gives us a two week turnaround, a kind of tight, kind of scary feeling, for a while there we were homeless, with a cat, and it’s already snowing up there.
But things are starting to really fall into place.
A new adventure, our dream… One that was Eleven years in the making.
Our Muddy Boot Dreams are coming true, and we are moving up to the Okanagan… I… still… can’t… believe… it.
Pinch me, I‘m serious. Now please wish us luck, and a smooth move.
Because I need to start packing.
My Way of Living + the thought process
Endless skies, and new horizons