Me, and my camera. We are both melancholy, a little sad that we haven’t spent any time together lately. Not too thrilled about the November rain that lashes against the windows, making even indoor shots almost impossible. To my camera and I, November Rain is a GnR song, one with wailing guitar strings, and sad tones in it’s voices. The reality is November rain is wet, cold, dark, and miserable. Me and my camera, with it’s one single eye staring disbelievingly at me from it’s perch as I swing out side during a brief late autumn sunset. How dare I leave it behind, the guilt fouls the air as I leave, how dare I? I dared…because it was simply too dark outside to shoot, even with a sunset.

Me, and my camera, reminiscing over the light, the warmth of summer days, and bright nights. Regretting not getting out more, not spending time together, not remembering that Autumn is a dark time, and winter is darker still.

Me and my camera, looking forward to the changes in the light, the coming spring. To the days that me and my camera can spend together again.