I was in my local bank, it’s a small and friendly branch, almost everyone calls you by name. When a new teller read my business name on the cheque which is Muddy Boot Dreams, she remarked, “well. that’s a cute name.” Misunderstanding her intentions, and wanting to make sure she understood that there was nothing cutesy about my business name, I reiterated, “no it’s not cute, it has meaning.” Then I explained that we have a dream of owning a small farm up in the Okanagan, and living a life filled with muddy boots, that was our bliss. Hence the name.
We spent a lot of time trying to come up with a name that would invoke the feeling we hope to have when we get to our farm, and many names were submitted but turned down. I wanted something that could be used as a farm name also. We will call our farm, Muddy Boots Farm. Since I have started my small business, I have heard every connotation available, “muddy boot jeans?” no not jeans, dreams! Who do you think I am? Mr. Green jeans? Mucky, no muddy, as in mud. You know that dirt stuff that sticks to your boots, no not sticks to your ribs, I am not a chef. What kind of dreams? The real good ones, of fresh air, fresh veggies, and land! No foot fetish people need apply, nothing like that going on here.
At first I used “Jen’s Garden”, for my cards, but it won’t work well a few years from now, and I am glad that we spent the time brainstorming about a great name. I am proud to say that I am from “Muddy Boot Dreams,” even if some people think that it’s a cute name.