My Way of Living + Time

And so we join the ranks of the over zuckied

All those years as a costal gardener with people staring pointing, laughing behind my back, snide comments about fertilizer, “so easy a child could do it, what’s wrong with her… ” And we finally join the ranks of the over zuchinnied now that we live up here in the hot Okanagan. Our garden overfloweth… with zucchini. We are running out of room to store them on the washer, maybe even have to move some to the dryer! Yahhhhh hooo! OK, that’s all well and fine, but now what do we do with them all?


I’ve been hoarding them, actually we are rather tired of those green baseball bats, how much zucchini can two people eat without getting tired of it. Boots turns up his cat nose at it, and refuses to run after the zucchini balls I made him. Silly kitty.


We’ve had pancakes, and fritters, which are pretty much the same thing, fried, baked, casseroles, stuffed, I am holding off on making zuckie bread, because it uses so much fat, and sugar. So I have plans to shred, and freeze a whole whack of them. Along with the zuckies are buckets and buckets of tomatoes… and guess who can’t eat them right now? Me… sigh, allergies and all that. So tomato sauce for winter, I am so looking forward to that.


Apparently tomatoes grow really well in the hot summers we have here, and I didn’t need to plant the extra dozen of plants that I did. On the coast, you plant 5 plants for every one that you hope will survive, and even then, you really don’t expect more then one or two tomatoes per plant.


Whoops, too many, didn’t I wish for that earlier in the spring? Nice to know that something other then stinkbugs, mosquitoes, and flies do well up here. And that next year I don’t have to have a crop at the farm, and a backup crop at the house. How was your zuchie count? Any recipes, or ideas with what to do with them now that we have so many? Green, with zuckies…

Day, HOPE, RUN, running, and more:

And so we join the ranks of the over zuckied + Time