Mother Nature, mercurial, quirky, odd, wonderful, delightful.
Those last few are when the weather matches up with what it is we are expecting.
May I gently remind all of you
Including those eager bloggers who have declared it Autumn, that the day doesn’t come for a little while yet.
Let us not count on our fingers, but with our hearts… step outside.
Enjoy the late summer days, the cooling nights, the freshening air.
Breath deeply, and save it for later.
Those days of cold, dark, uneven steps.

And if you live in Calgary, the early snowstorms… Canadian humour folks.we like to tease that part of the country, don’t worry, it’s all gentle, and fun.
But they were deep in snow for a little while.
Deep, in snow… in September.
Who would have thought.
Not us as we woke to Mother Nature blowing us a farewell kiss.
Frozen out
Frost on the roofs.white, crystalized cold.
Symbolic of a change of season, but much too fast for our hearts, our toes, and our gardens.
Three days of high alert, worrying, cozying up the tomatoes, brushing off the snow boots, dreaming of the beach.
And then.
She took it back
Just like that, she turned, twisted, and flitted away, only to return in a moment with sunshine, heat that would rival any summer day.

Gone girl
Gone is the frost, the cold, the dark mornings, the furnace blowing desperately to warm.
In it’s place she has painted meticulously designed glowing sunsets that pearlize the sky.
Shining their gleam across a land of big skies, blue mountains, and bronzed fields of wheat stubble.
Creating awe in this photographers heart.
Mornings, fresh, delightful, and bright.
Newly minted
Leaves greening, flowers bursting, veggie gardens continuing to produce.
Raising doubt like a flower rises towards the light, will Winter truly come?
And, if so why?
Why can’t we live in this land of make belief for a while longer?
Indian summer forever?
Why must winter come so soon after summer sheds her skin?

Skies so blue.
Clouds not to be found.
Flowers continue to bloom.
Yes, Mother Nature.
Take back that kiss.