Just a note to those of you have already read this, sorry about re-posting, but this isn’t showing up in very many inboxes. Don’t know what happened to the feed, so I am trying to repost it again to try and figure out what has happened. If you have already read this, then I apologize, last nights leftovers, and such… LOL.

All summer long I’ve been hearing about the wonderful fruits and veggies that my Sister’s farm is producing. My parents have been tantalizing us with tales of planting corn, potatoes, carrots, and seedling watermelons, and cantaloupe until we were drooling. And then to they would describe what they were having for dessert, watermelon, cantaloupes, peaches from a friends tree. It was hard. There is nothing like paying over $4.00 at the local fruit mart for a mushy, overripe, grainy melon to make you crave the real homegrown thing. Of course with a 5 hour drive it makes it a little expensive to just drop by and pick up some. So we made the trip last weekend, and came back loaded down with everything under the sun. Juicy watermelons, crisp, and perfectly ripe, musky cantaloupes fragrantly smelling up the truck. Orange pumpkins, with warts, that I fell in love with immediately. Corn, that is unlike anything you have ever tasted. Along with carrots, and potatoes from my Dad’s garden. You can start drooling now. There was red Russian garlic at the farmers market, do you have any idea how hard it is to get good garlic that isn’t grown in China around here? Almost impossible. And my massive harvest of 5 heads isn’t going to take us far.

With all the rain that we drooped through during the long weekend, it seemed easier to put off picking until it dried up. With such a short trip, time went quickly, and we found ourselves forced to forage in the dark, the night before we left, with the glare of the headlights illuminating the pumpkin patch in order to choose the perfect “great warty pumpkin.” The dogs thought this was great fun, and in the inky blackness ran past us so fast they almost knocked me over. My nephew was so helpful in picking out the melons in the dark, it seems he has a real talent for that. Because at that point I would have just settled for anything near the road, thanks H.!

All of this just makes me more determined to move upcountry, because I hope that the first thing we are able to do when we get settled is plant a veggie garden. With visions of orange pumpkins, and red garlic dancing in my head.