That’s a pretty picture up above isn’t it? Beautiful water, reflection, trees… That’s why its so hard to believe that something so beautiful can cause me so much discomfort. Trees, gorgeous, green, stately, graceful trees. Oh grass, and apples, potatoes, and eggplant. I mean who is allergic to apples, and carrots? Well…me. I think that of all the serums they guinea pigged me with, I reacted to each and every one. But the absolute worst were tree pollens, and grasses. We are talking out of the stratosphere, over the top reactions.

That’s not good news for a gardener. How do you avoid trees? I love trees. So that explains a lot, why I had such a bad rash all summer on my face. Why I couldn’t go outside at all this year, and why things I ate bothered my skin. I am allergic to almost everything. Wow, it feels like that. When the allergist hands you a sheet of paper, that they normally circle a few items on that you might be allergic to, and each group is circled. You are in trouble, deep, no more gardening until they get this figured out trouble. No more potato chips, no more tomatoes, no seafood, no fun.

Allergy shots here I come. They are not cheap, but the alternative he told me, was Asthma. No thanks, so twice a week for? who knows how long. After all, I love gardening, and I love trees, so what should a gardener do? BTW, I am only slightly allergic to cats! Whoooo hooo! Because like I told the allergist, there was NO way I was giving Boo another home. Never, call me silly, but I love my Boo. Even if it did mean living with allergies. So who else out there is living with severe allergies, or taking allergy shots? I would love to know if they work.