It’s not easy to see weevils, and slugs practically eat your garden alive in front of your eyes. But if you have made the decision to be more green, and use only organic pesticides there are alternatives you can use.
Don’t waste your expensive, locally made, sustainable, micro brewed beer on those slimy slugs. It’s the yeast they want. Just mix 1 teaspoon of yeast, and 1 teaspoon of sugar, in 1 cup of water, place in upturned lids of jars, and watch the slug fest happen. Sit back and drink your specialty beer, sitting in your lawn chair, besides you will appreciate it much more then those swilling snails.
Nematodes, are extremely helpful to control black weevils. Microscopic living creatures, they are usually applied during the cooler months of spring, they can still be used in mid to late September if the temps are cool enough. Check with your local nursery. Mixed with water the creepy swimming [you can’t see anything, don’t go all squeamish on me here,] creatures are poured over the soil in the infested areas and steadily go to work. They will burrow into the larvae of the weevils and destroy them. I found that only one simple application cured my weevil problem for a few seasons, which is good, because they are not that cheap.
Ants are not supposed to like mint, still not sure how well that one works, since they liked to carry the crushed leaves away on my patio. But Borax and icing sugar mixed together and put into places where only ants, not your children, or pets can find it works well. Touring the garden with a flashlight, and a pail of salty water at night, is more then a good way to get splashed, it also lets you pick off insects and drop them into the water to perish.
See gardening can be fun, so happy hunting.
Or if you are like me, then UMMmmmmmmmm happy Zen.
My Way of Living + Light
Wasted weevils, and sloshed slugs