Creativity is like the surf washing over your feet on the beach. It’s either coming in, or going out.
Is it up to you which way the creative surf goes.
What inspires you?
Calm, reflection, space, peace? Tranquility?

Or chaos, choice, and stimulation?
How do other creative people find time to come up with ideas, plans, and projects, and still fit life in between.
My camera is sitting there, forlorn, forgotten, creativity is the first thing to go when I am busy with family, and life.
This is hands down the best time in the entire year to take photos.
The light is golden, soft, pearly, the skies are bright, and I just can’t get myself out there to take a shot.
The camera glares angrily at me with it’s Cyclops eye… but it’s too hot, to heavy, to sweaty out there.
As much as I love summer, I’m tired. Who sleeps in this kind of weather, I get up at 5 am, because I can’t sleep.
All day long there are things to be done, gardens to water, life to live, any excuse right?
Creativity comes in so many forms, versions, ways, it’s the doodle on a envelope while waiting on the phone.
It’s inspiration, seeing old things in a new light. Doing something new, and different, doing the same thing but looking at it from a different angle.
Allowing yourself to daydream, to visually create in your mind something beautiful, written, painted, photographed. It’s not something we can force, but have to allow it to bloom, it takes time.
Use prompts, there are so many wonderful lists, for writing, blogging, and for photography… I should take my own advice right? I will one day… soon, just as it cools down, and I can venture out without turning into a puddle of mush.
Create a list of your own to inspire you. Choose a word, a phrase, a topic, brainstorm.
Try Instagram, a photo a day, a meme, a linkup.

Allow the ideas to wash over your brain, just like the surf of the ocean. Write them down for later if you don’t have time, or the inclination to do them right now.
I found this interesting article, 8 tips for productive blogging, written by Angie, of Real Life at Home.
Oh my goodness, #3… yes Angie you are so right, it’s more like a hour, more on that coming one day,
Visualize, envision yourself creating…
Keep it in your mind, allow it time to bloom
Do something that inspires you each day.
Life hack has 30 tips to rejuvenate your creativity… I challenge you to try a few, I challenge me.
Do you pick up a different type of camera… I’ve been using my cell phone, I like shooting with a different perspective.

Do you doodle, do you daydream?
Make a commitment to a journal, write in it everyday… even if it’s only a few lines… practice makes you create something at the very least.
Stay away from social media, dive into social media?
Taking shots just to force yourself to pick up the camera?
Getting up earlier, staying up later.
Working with a group, working alone, working with a partner. I love those thousands of miles apart photos… one day maybe I will hook up with someone and create one of those.
It’s to easy to go with the flow, to sit back and wait for it to come to you. Get out there, demand it, insist on creativity, work for it, sweat… and not just from the heat.