If I told you that I usually get up before 6, but today slept in until 7 and am now fully behind in practically everything, would you believe me? Of course, we have all had those kind of days. Today is a watering day, usually up at 6 am to turn the sprinklers on for the front garden, which runs in various zones for over a hour. And to think, it used to take me 3 hours. We have a water pressure issue, and can’t do anything else remotely connected with water when we use the sprinklers. Then as soon as the front garden is done, I am outside trying to water the back. We put individual drip irrigation systems into each bed, so all I have to do is a quick connect with the water hose to the tubing, and it goes along watering it’s merry way.

The combined time to water by hand was over 3 hours, a time during which I was live bait for mosquitoes, and it was not very pleasant. When we installed the back yard sprinkler system I almost cried with relief. Seriously. We just shut if off during showering time, and put it back on.

I am in awe of just being able to drag the hose over, and quick connect it to a drip irrigation system laid in the garden bed, and actually walk away… of course we still can’t use any other water during this time but still. There is a 4 hour window every second day to water by hand, or irrigation system, and every minute counts.

That little tree frog I rescued seems to be very happy, since he startled the heck out of Bootsie the other morning. Hard to believe that anything that tiny could make such a ribbet. It’s about 10 times louder then he is.

Maybe he’s calling his friends over to come over and share the water feature. Now I am off to change to the next garden, I love drip irrigation systems… a great invention. Dripping……