You know that nagging little voice, the one that tells you to do something before you forget all about it, and you usually ignore it. Sometimes there is a good reason not to ignore that voice. I ignored mine the other morning when it said remember to write your blog before you get busy. But I didn’t get a chance to write it because I ended up with a nasty case of vertigo, and wicked bed spins that won’t go away, and even now it’s making me dizzy.

There is no way these allergies are taking me down with them, even if it means going up the stairs with two hands, head spinning. Bring on the Gravol please. If I am really careful and don’t move my head too much I can do this, it’s only allergies, and sinus. Not to worry, it’s just annoying.

That little voice also made me remember that I was going to make a personal medical journal to track our medical history. Ours is going to be pretty simple, just a binder with printed pages in it, but the information will be valuable if there is a medical emergency. There are many sites with free printable pages on the internet to customize your own, and I am encouraging you to make one for your family. Just Google medical health records, and you can find some that suit you.

I wish I had kept better records of my allergy symptoms, it’s so easy to forget each year when they calm down, and figuring that out would be easier if I kept track in our binder. I hope that the nagging voice goes away when I organize the book, and so do the bed spins. Spinning…