It was two years ago that I declared, “I’m in love, I’m in love, I’m in love,” of course I love Gar, who couldn’t.
But this declaration of love was for my new 50 mm, 1.1.4 lens. And I am happy to say that even two years later I still love this lens. You can read my Dancing in the Dark post here if you would like. The other night I was on the patio, snapping shots, and it was dark. Not just the “honey turn another light on inside” dark, but feel your way around the sun has definitely set, kind of dark. And these are some of the handheld, no tripod shots that I got from that amaz ing lens. It simply draws in any available light, and uses it to the full advantage. It’s adding a new dimension to the golden hour.
Ain’t love grand?
My Way of Living + Photography
Still dancing in the darkening night