My Way of Living + Things


No I did not suddenly become super computer competent. I am talking about pruning. In which the main rule seems to be"know when to stop". And obviously I have not learned that yet.
I once knew someone who had patience to look at the structure of the plant, and envision it without the offending branch.
After visualizing he would then move to another angle and visualize again. Needless to say he was a great pruner. I don't have any where near that kind of patience. Before
After I just kind of get in there and prune, and prune and prune. Until finally there isn't much left of the original plant.
I think it comes from working in a garden centre where there is a endless supply of beautiful plant material. If you need to cut something back, there is always more where that came from. Any thing to make gorgeous displays, and sell plants.
But I keep forgetting how long it takes for stuff to grow back, like the carex buchannii I forgot to cut back this spring, and chopped down to the ground in May. It's coming back beautifully but its only 6 inches high. Maybe by winter it will be lush and full again. Or the hydrangea ayesha that needed to be contained, and now only has 5 blooms on it. Each one perfectly pink though. Or the beautiful Dicentra gold heart, with its lovely chartreuse leaves, some of which were a little sunburned, well now it doesn't have THAT problem…
I am just a hacker. And someday I will have the potential to be a really great pruner, just not in this lifetime.

Garden, Performance, RUN, and more:

I'M A HACKER! + Things