It’s a fine line, that moment between sleep, and wakefulness. The spare seconds that your brain allows you before it starts the midnight ramblings. The two o’clock wanderings through memories, and to do lists. The four am wakeup call from Bootsie, who clearly telegraphs by scratching the carpet, I want to go out NOW! And during all this, the seagulls. Ranting, raving, screeching, roaring, squawking, shrill, strident, and the loudest continuing noise we have ever heard from them before. Something is disturbing their sleep, not that we ever thought they had time to do that, and they in turn are interrupting what little we get. Do you live near the water, by a lake, or the ocean? Have you noticed that there is very little peas and quiet where you live lately? Actually this has been going on since early winter. It’s unusual, continues all day and night, and is very noisy. Keening, and calling the seagulls are all the way up our street, loudly letting everyone know that they are under some sort of disturbance. In all the years that I have lived here, more then the fingers on three hands, it’s never been like this. Is there a population explosion?

No room at the ocean, maybe the Bed and Breakfasts are holding midnight feedings for them? And they certainly do sound like they are having indigestion, all night. “ooooohhhhh eeeeeeee, aaaaaa oooooohhhhh. Keeeeeeee, ooooohhhhh. nnnnnnnoooooooo, shouldn’t have eaten those last 5 french fries. I am thinking of taping a few hours of it, and using to deter the raccoons off of my deck.

The heck with the french fries, the seagulls, and the noise, I just want some peas, and quiet please. At least up country, all I have to deal with are the coyotes, and the magpies. Oh, and the bears, and the possums, and the mice… bliss.