My Way of Living + Things


I love poppies, if I had the space, I would be growing every variety here.
This beauty was part of a clump that grew on a corner, and every time I drove home I would make a mental note to bring the camera next time but I kept forgetting. In the evening the sun glowed through the petals. The day after I shot this, we had a torrential downpour, and there was nothing left of them, but soggy Kleenex petals. The Icelandic poppies, that are so hard to shoot, because they nod with the slightest breeze. Last only a few days, but make the greatest back lit shots. This is one year that they have been especially magnificent! Must have been that cold wet spring we had. I inherited this wonderful tall red poppy with split crimson petals, it was growing in my garden plot of our building.
Everyone kept asking what it was, and why I had left it in the garden plot. With it's green gray leaves, it quickly grew to a height of over 4 feet. And then, it bloomed! It was truly lovely. So now I am letting it go to seed, and next year I will scatter the seeds everywhere, just call me, Janeny Poppy Seed. This one had amazing deep purple pollen in the centre, it made me want to jump in, and roll around. I can't capture the depth of the color.
It also came in white with purple pollen dotted all around the petals.
Now we have to wait an entire year to see them again, their season is fleeting, but they are so worth having in the garden.

Garden, Home, Performance, and more:

Poppies + Things