Excuse me a moment while I ring the upper housemaid for tea. Do you take lemon? I know you must think I am off of my rocker. But I have been ploughing through the first season DVD of Downton Abbey, and I am enraptured, engulfed, and engaged. Not to be married, but to finish season one. "… shall I have the butler take your coat? Will you stay for tea?” There is nothing like coming late to the party, but then again if this was Downton Abbey everyone would be to well bred to let me know about it anyways.

I am deep inside the DVD, hurrying to finish it before the war breaks out, and engagements are broken. Watching ladies maids convince the butler that the valet did it, and footmen fleeing.

Well, I must go, I see they have rung the dinner gong, and I am hardly finished my toilette.

Are you as nuts about this Masterpiece series and the frenzy it has inspired in it’s viewers as I am? I am #98 in the waiting list at the library for the second season… but it will be worth the wait. Ringing for tea…