Quick show of hands, how many of us are living a perfect life? Hmmhmm, exactly what I thought. Not that many of us. Now if I asked you to find 3 things in your life that you considered wonderful, would you be able to? Don’t worry, we’ll wait yes, 3 things. Raise your hands if you can find at least three things. Husband, kids, jobs, pets, flowers, summer, ice cream, chocolate, anything wonderful. ROCK YOUR WONDERFUL TODAY! Wow, look at all of those hands. Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful. Did you realize that?

So why are we striving to achieve perfection, instead of celebrating the wonderful? Why won’t we let ourselves wallow in the wonderful, and let perfection work it’s self to the bone. Would our lives be any happier if we rocked wonderful every day?

If we stopped trying to compare ourselves to the friend who has the perfect marriage, the best car, and the great kids. If we instead embraced the wonderful in our lives, the everyday wonderful. The new flower blooming on the rose bush we pass on the way to work. The cat laying in the patch of sun, just in front of the pile of laundry. The little grin that baby threw you as your grocery cart passed him in the store.

Taste of a home grown tomato’s, sun warmed and fragrant. Knowing that you garden doesn’t need to be watered that night, because it rained. Are we too scared to believe that wonderful can happen every day, or do we think we are tempting fate by acknowledging it? Is it going to go away if we believe in it?

Just remember not every thing has to be perfect to be wonderful. Rocking wonderful is easy, Rock that wonderful today, don’t wait.

Here’s mine, Faith, Husband, and Boo. And now I want to know what your three wonderfuls are. Rocking it…