Happy New Year everybody! I hope the holidays have been treating you well! Went on a short hiatus to recharge and conjure up some new material for another exciting season for all of us. Quick roundup of the week that was leading up to the dawn of the new decade.
- So what did you get for Christmas?While indeed it's the thought that counts ( I'd probably make the national team if "crappiest gifts received annually" was a sport). There are some years though, that you just plain hit the jackpot, getting something that's both aspirational and necessary. Just as I was still mourning over the loss of my beloved 305, Ultramarathoner Abby pulled a haymaker and dropped the bomb on me with a 310XT for Christmas! Thank God there's no footage of me screaming like a delirious fangirl. Just as I was grumbling over having to plot routes with my car odo, the perfect gift comes like manna from heaven. Apparently, the entire community save for Rio, BR, Zorro and Jinoe and Que's gwapo future Takbo.ph prince were in the know.Still hasn't sunk in, all I can say is that I'm one lucky Gingerbread dude.

20 hours batt life. Waterproofness. Yahooooo.
- Congratulations to TPB dudes Junrox Roque and Mark Hernandez for placing 2nd and 13th respectively at BR's recent Rizal Day 32k Run in veritable tour de force performances. The rest of the team who competed all placed in the top 30 if I'm not mistaken. Congratulations my fuchsia brethren, you all rock. It also means one thing - I need to get into running shape for 2011 to keep up with these guys!

- Year-end totals : Swam 21k, Biked 2,090 kms, and ran 1,363 kms. Missed out on my running goal, was at around 900 before BDM, you see the disparity the rest of the way lol :) How about you, did you meet all your targets?
- I still believe paying P7,000 a pop to watch some band play on New Year's Eve countdown at some swanky hotel is the worst deal ever.
- The running moment of the year for me was when TPB overhauled a wide lead during Epic Relay 250's final middle stages to hand the lead over to Ka Totoy during the final leg. Sports drama at it's finest, straight out of a movie.

Sheer Epicness right here.
- From a solo perspective, crossing the BDM 102 finish line is still surreal. I don't think the feeling ever gets old. What's more surreal is that I get to do it all over again in less than two months, with 58 more kilometers just for fun.
- I resolve to avoid Mcdonald's Coke (it tastes better diba), or Coke in general for 2011. I feel that someday it will get back at me. In related news, Grimace just sent a hate text.
- According to Ultramarathoner Abby's Skinny Bitch Calendar, "you can't expect to get thin eating the same crap you've been eating right?". True, I'd just work my ass off twice as hard then.
- I want to at least break 20 minutes for 800 meters in a sprint Tri. Sob.
- This year we saw a record number of 21k runners emerge into the fold. Level up. Does this mean 2011 will be the year of the marathoner?
- Which has a better chance of happening, Rio shaving off his afro or BR growing one? Hmmmm :p
- A big sigh to all the talented running bloggers who hung up their laptop in 2010, most notably 09' Philippine Blog Awards finalist/speedster Natz Garcia (the original Takbo.ph mod, to those who weren't around back then) Your comprehensive and scientific posts will be missed my friend :( SCR would have been proud of you.
- Quick announcement, the GBM Report will have an FB Fanpage (shudder). Not that its meant to solely be a value-added service to my five fans, but I just want that cool sidebar that everyone has. Inggitero. Sige na, i-like na. Mga tropang napilitan. Smirk.
- Why do I have this sneaky feeling that multisport will be off the charts in 2011? Sneaky, sneaky feeling. Don't tell me I didn't warn you.
- While on the homebound stretch of an intensely tough 95k ride in Bugarin with the gang over stormy conditions, some crazy pickup impatiently overtook a tricyle and counterflowed into my lane. With my brakes at probably 30% operational capacity, I avoided certain death but lost control of the bike in the process. Was able to uncleat but the bike fell on me and I went flying right smack onto the middle of the national highway's downward slope. Heavily shaken, good thing the manong tricyle drivers got my bike and helped me up out of harm's way before I could get run over by some truck. Good thing top gun Erick went back for me and accompanied me the rest of the way even if I was at punerarya car pace.My left side banged up and sore, bikey took one on the chin too. Thank God I live to bike another day, could have gone awry a bad break here or there. Did I mention I am SUPER considerate to cyclists on the road now? You should be too.
- I think I'll stay away from the ice cream too. Yeah, bad bad.