I’m hooked on making these summer color palettes I’m making with my photos they are such fun to play with. You’ve probably seen versions of them on the blogosphere, a photo with matching color swatches on the side. Design seeds has gorgeous ones, they will inspire you if you are looking for new colors to play with.

So far the blue ones are my favourite colors… I’ve been playing around with new colors for my blog design. And this is a interesting way to find colors that I love. I’ve often wondered how they were made, and here is a great tutorial from The Mother Huddle that shows you how to make some for yourself, have fun.

It’s a great way to savour summer before it’s all gone. But then again, we could use Autumn photos, and find gorgeous russet, orange, and brick tones to work into our palettes.

Summer blogging schedule continues, I’m posting on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.
Hope that you are having a great summer. Jane