Despite the fact that we have had consistent daytime highs of over 30C for a month now and we feel parched and dry, it is worth it to leave the house. Even if leaving the house makes me itch uncontrollably, because it’s allergy season for me. And the beautiful golden wheat fields just down the street have caused my allergies to act up. Are yours as bad as mine? When they harvest the wheat the dust floats on the ever so hot air, and I itch, all over.

We try to keep the windows shut all day during the heat, but we like to open them late at night for fresh air.

I like fresh air, I don’t like itch. I know, don’t open the windows then, but I really can’t stand air conditioning.

It was so worth it to take the camera out for a spin, even if the open windows of the truck made me itch. Watching the sun set through those trees, and the fields turn caramel was so worth it.

Now please pass the antihistamine.