Although we are in a heat wave, it seems that the gardens are a little behind compared to last year. But that’s fine, I am sure they will catch up soon. The plants are loving the hot nights, the bugs are buzzing, and the flowers are really blooming.
It’s wonderful how a second year in a new climate can make you feel more secure about everything. Gardens filling in, weather doing almost what it did last year. I like having a idea of what to expect, and having one year under our belt makes it easier to do that.

The gardens are starting to fill in, I can see where I over planted in some beds, so hopefully I will be able to spread a little plant love around this fall. It’s so hot and it’s only July… August is a scorcher.
Our water restrictions are still tight, only allowed to water early morning, and late evening, when the mosquies are buzzing around, so then it’s long sleeves, and pants to avoid them.

Thanks for the tips on the Eau de Kitty Plonk… phew what a whiff that was. I have some enzyme spray and am going to look forward to trying it. Well, I would rather not have to try it, but it is nice to have something that might work on hand.
Has anyone noticed the light subtly changing in the evening… soon it’s the golden days of summer… and you can see it in the photos when you compare them to the earlier spring days… look for it, it’s a absolutely lovely time of year to be shooting in.

I’m still adjusting to the reduced schedule of blogging, and will be getting to any comments that I missed earlier.
Thanks for bearing with me, I do appreciate it. Look for the next Muddy Boot Dreams post on Sunday.