What is it about other peoples gardens that ignites a sort of plant lust in gardeners?
Why is it when we see a lush thriving plant do we gardeners need to have it? Gotta have it?
I need this plant, she thinks it’s a type of Dianthus… any guesses? I have to have one.

And why do I keep forgetting to plant Delphiniums… of all the climates I’ve lived in this is Delphinium land. Hot, dry, long summers, almost no rain… pure “duh” gardening moment, I always pass them over until I see them bloom again.

I need a big list outside, a chalkboard, of must have plants, must remember to get this plant, that plant, what is THAT plant? I need THAT plant.

Maybe I need to have a list hanging around my neck.
I want, I want, I need, I must have…
I’m a gardener, it’s in my blood, same with you?