Let’s go for a walk, round the big block, yes it’s a country block, but that’s what makes it so appealing.
Fresh air, wildflowers, birds, and farmers taking in the crop before the next rain shower.

Let’s walk past the horses, and the chicken barn, can you smell that? Yes, fresh country air.

The sheep are up in the top field, good thing I brought my camera. They are not always around by the road. The lambs are getting so big.hard to believe they were little just a few months ago.

This always makes me realize why we love it so much here… look at Mount Rose Swanson in the background. I climbed that last year. Can you believe it? I know, me either, but it really wasn’t too hard… now don’t laugh at me.

The blackbirds are nesting, we should hurry by, they don’t like it when we stop, you should hear them chattering away. Well, who builds a nest by the side of the road?

Look over there, the last of the late lilacs, don’t they smell sweet?

Just one more big hill to climb, and it’s downhill all the way…
Isn’t this the cutest driveway you have ever seen?

Almost home… PS: Some of the comments have questions that need to be answered… not my shoes, but I love those laces, and not my driveway. Our place is just around the corner, and much tidier.