Do you ever find yourself focusing on the little not so good things that happen in your day, and suddenly realize that you forgot the enormous amount of good things that are in your entire life?

A long time ago I read a sentence in a book that has stuck with me forever… in it a woman describes one of her life’s joys as a window over the kitchen sink. I’ve yearned for that window over my kitchen sink since then, and now, finally I have it.

Sometimes life gets so beyond us that we don’t remember what we have, just what we are missing. Everyday life is made of a crooked road littered with puddles, and a sky with these lovely sunsets. I guess it’s my choice to look up in awe at the sunset, or just keep plodding along looking for my reflection in the puddles.

So here I am reminding myself that stuff happens, life goes forward, and the sun will still set every night, and if I try hard enough I can see it going down through my window over the kitchen sink. Thinking…