“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” Dolly Parton OK, I will admit to not being a Pollyanna about the weather, going around exclaiming it’s liquid sunshine and all that silly“stuff.” But after all, there have been some sunny breaks, and even a few days interspersed without any liquid additions. People, get real, it’s a weird year, put up with it, and like Dolly says “if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

I really like that quote, really, really, like that quote. Maybe the next time a soggy customer comes through my till, complaining bitterly about the rain, I might just quip it back at them. And if you see on the front page news that a cashier was injured during her shift at work due to a irate customer, then you will know it was me.

Meanwhile, I am on the lookout for a raincoat for my camera, the rain is coming back full force. Jane