My Way of Living + Story

Peace, and thank you

There is such a sense of calm in the fresh green leaves of spring. It’s so beautifully lush, and new out there that at times it’s glaringly bright.

Green leaves

Jewel tones of emerald reflect off of grass, shimmer on the stems, and shatter in the sunlight. Clear is the light, air fresh, mountains so green with new growth that it seems spring started to celebrate overnight. Sudden bursts of lush are everywhere, once brown and wet, sullen and dreary, now overflowing ditches with growth, and stems. The spring miracle of new life kicks up it’s heels, calves, lambs, and foals are dotting the fields. Butterflies have appeared out of no where, colors more vivid then imaginable, fluttering and flitting, transients searching for sustenance. Little to feed on so far, a few bulbs, some dandelions, spring blossoms, more promises than a meal.

Green leaves 2

Bugs, big, hardy, and determined to get in your face, tangle in your hair, buzz and bite, as if to stop any gardening urge in it’s tracks.
Wasps so large you wonder how they stay airborne, foretell a hot and dry summer, but then again, isn’t it always up here?
Spring marches forward to it’s own beat.
Sending summer’s heat as a preview, so we know what to expect shortly.


Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers for Dad, and my family that you have sent. They are very appreciated, and your supportive comments mean so much to me. We are hoping that he comes out of the hospital soon.

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Peace, and thank you + Story