For intense concentration of fragrance, you can't beat Lily of the Valley, it is also delightfully musky.
If you are lucky enough to have some growing in your garden, pick one of the precious blooms, and take it indoors.
Take a sniff, and you will know what I mean. Ammendment: I really wanted to tell you that these are some of my favorite flowers, and there is a good reason. My Mom's bridal bouquet was a small bunch of artificial Lily of the Valley, which she still has. Since they were married in May, I always look forward to seeing these flowers bloom, and it reminds me that their wedding anniversary is coming up. The day before our wedding, Mom mentioned that it would be great if my flower girl could carry a small bouquet of Lily of the Valley. I was driving all over town to find Lily of the Valley, and having no success. It was still not in season up in the Okanagan, and I must have gone to every florist, or flower shop in town. At the very last store I finally found some cute looking artificial ones, that my little flower girl carried. Saved…by Lily of the Valley.