My Way of Living + Visual

Things that go crash in the night
MBD blog Bootsie

Mother Nature did some pruning the other night, and she was rather heavy handed while she did it. I heard a noise between the thunder rumbling, and the flashing room illuminating crashes of lightening, but thought nothing of it at the time.
When I got up early in the morning a very long almost 50 feet tall, tree like branch from our neighbour’s Maple filled the side yard between our houses. The tree has multiple trunks growing straight up, so that’s why they are so tall.

MBD blog Fallen tree

Looking at all the mess of leaves, and smaller branches stemming from the 8 inch diameter base of the branch it was hard to believe that it managed to fall over the fence. Plunking itself onto the lawn missing both of my gardens, the corner of the house, and our porch and patio. It left me quite amazed that nothing was damaged, since it had fallen narrowly missing my beloved Gingko tree, nurtured from a 6 inch seedling, now a towering 8 feet tall, birdhouses, patio, and clay pots left in the middle of the lawn.
So Mother Nature, did you read my post the other day, giving up on trying to grow something under the fir trees, and letting you know that you have won? This tree missed the garden I was writing about by inches, did you have anything to do with that I wonder.

MBD blog Autumn leaves

I am thankful that there was no damage, the tree branch is now nothing more the a ghostly shadow on the grass. The smaller branches will be recycled into garden stakes, and the larger ones will make a warm fire one day. The tree is looking well, and hopefully will keep growing it’s beautiful red leaves that carpet my lawn each fall.

MBD blog tree trunk

Boo was rather put out that the path of his morning routine was blocked, and he had to journey around the entire length of the branch, but in the end he managed to ignore the diversion, and get on with sniffing the boundaries of the fence. Life for a cat is all about routine.

Blog PM Posting schedule

Boot, Cats, Garden, HOPE, Photography, RUN, thankful, and more:

Things that go crash in the night + Visual