Oh, he is not amused, so not amused. He found out that someone has pinned a photo of him on Pinterest, and titled it grumpy cat. He is not amused, one bit. In fact I think that face above says it all, “thanks a lot”.

He wishes to set the record straight. “Boot’s”, and I speak for him because we all know that he can’t talk, wants everyone to know that he is not grumpy, and has no intentions of ever being grumpy.

Except when, and I quote again… Dinner is late, lunch is delayed, and breakfast isn’t served with a side order of sardines. It’s been like that a lot lately… and he isn’t grumpy, he is not amused. Because the servants are not doing a good job. He also doesn’t like it when we play… “Where’s the Boo Boo.”

He certainly is not amused.