I have found something that is even more addictive then Pinterest. What? I can hear all you pinners out there saying in disbelief, that’s impossible.

But it is possible, and it takes nothing more then a simple long handled weed puller, and a lawn full of dandelions. The urge to purge that lawn of weeds is overwhelmingly strong. Just think how easy this is, you start by pushing in the prongs set on the bottom of the weeder into the dandelion, pull back, and voila, with a gentle plunk, the weed is out. Discard it, and repeat… oh about a hundred times.

The next thing you know, the lawn is littered with more dead weeds then a dozen of chocolate chip cookies have chips, and hours have passed by. You don’t have to stop there, it’s always just one more weed, and then it’s just one more weed… Your wrists hurt, the cat is starving, and it’s getting dark, but you repeat, just one more weed… just one more weed. These are not photos of Dandelions, but of Balsam, the closest thing I had to show you.