I have been very fortunate to make some great blogging friends since starting my blog. Some have been with me since I started, encouraging, and supporting, with comments, and links, sharing what they know.
I know that we all blog for different reasons, some don’t mind if there is no acknowledgement from the great world wide web. But I always found that any comment cheered me, and made me feel like I wasn’t just throwing in hours of work into a giant abyss, never to be heard from again.

After all, what goes around, co mes around. Do you remember how excited you were to get a comment from someone you have never met before? So let’s spread the Bloggy love “baby”.
To get you started, I am encouraging you to visit a few of the blogs on my blog roll that you don’t know. And then when I visit your blogs, I am going to do the same. Think of all the Bloggy love we can spread.
It will be a revolution.