Apparently the complaint department at Mother Nature’s headquarters is working overtime. All the disgruntled people who have been dissing the weather are finally getting their wishes granted. Sun in the roaring twenties, and the ever increasing dirty thirties. Celsius, that is, for you non metric heat lovers. I have no idea what that is in Fahrenheit, except. Baby that’s hot! And I hope that you enjoy it. I know that since the A/C practically quit at work, it’s spewing out hot air, and I have to wear a poly – stinking – hot uniform I am not happy. Not that it is ever cool enough there for me, aren’t hot flashes supposed to start when you hit menopause? Yes, I am cranky! And I deserve to be so. My muddy boots are starting to get piles of dust underneath them.

Giggle. I like the cooler, more temperate days, really I do. So all you sun lovers, have your dog day afternoons, sipping on your minted ice teas, while I pour myself from aisle to aisle, giggle, I am having too much fun with this! I’m melt iiiinnnngggg. Enjoy the sunshine, we all know here in the wet coast that we only really get a few weeks of sun, and then it goes back to the regular “singing in the rain” story. My day in the rain will come soon.

Note: all of the above really is tongue firmly in cheek, not that I should have to explain myself anymore, because I am sure you know what I am like by now. Oh, and Bootsie, well he’s not a big fan of this weather either.