I'm pulling open drawers, rifling through the contents, digging deep in closets, searching through the laundry basket, shaking out clean clothes. And still, nothing shows up. Missing, gone.

The winter thief has been here once again…stealing into the house and snitching one each of my favorite gloves, and warm woolen socks. Leaving me with piles of single, now useless gloves, and socks. He's probably hiding behind the curtains, creating a draft with his giggles as he watches me search fruitlessly. Lock up your socks.
Squish your scarves, grasp your gloves…the Winter thief is is on the loose. I've seen his tracks in the fresh morning snow…a little shuffle in his step…the drag of my favorite scarf trailing by. I'm not impressed, I bought those socks because they looked warm, I splurged on them, and now…well at least he's warm. And my toes are not.

I don't know if that happens in your house.but wow, does it ever here Does your washer eat socks, or do they get mixed up into winter sweaters and put away for the season?

It's snowing once again here, a beautiful soft, white clean cover up for all of the dirty snow that's been accumulating over the winter. Which means that the snow plows are increasing the pile of snow the separates us from the road each time they roar past.

But we were gifted with a full day of sun, from the morning until the glorious ending in a brilliant sunset the day before. It was our first full day of sunshine since October drifted through our part of the world. The sun peeked into all of the rooms, the cat luxuriated in a puddle of warmth on the floor, getting up to follow the path as it moved through the house, giving me a dirty look as if I had purposefully moved it each time. Lemon colored light, bringing a promise of a short February…and then we March into spring. My photographer's heart may be stirred by the fresh snow…but my gardener's heart is quickened by the seed packets showing up in the stores. Doesn't it always make you feel that spring is closer with the appearance of gardening supplies? Now if only my toes were warmer.