It’s a real word, randomness, I

looked it up. Do you like words? I love words, but I find that I need to replace a few words that are a little dated in my vocabulary somewhat like those bell bottom jeans you have still have hanging your closet, hoping that the trend will come back, it did, and suddenly it was been there, done that. So here’s one of the words, “cool” there isn’t going to be anything hip and funky about my replacement word for “cool.” Yes, it’s real, I’ll tell you what it is at the end of the post.

I mean, does anyone even use the word “cool” anymore? Do you find yourself still using expressions that you used decades ago, no matter how you try to weed them out? I am almost embarrassed to be dating myself by using the word, but sometimes it slips out… along with a few others that I can’t mention. What word will ever have that kind of amazement, power, and sense of surprise… as “cool” and still sound good coming out of our mouths? I know… I’m drawing a blank too.

Now onto the randomness part, take a look at the images… that’s a dragon fruit. It… actually… tastes… good. Something like a kiwi, without the banana flavour, mild, barely sweet, and the rind is hot hot hot pink! Almost Cerise pink, it doesn’t look real do it, and it has a slight spongy feel to the outside, the inside is crisp, try one. When’s the last time you tried anything new… and unusual? And have you ever had a dragon fruit?

This isn’t actually new to me, I did have one years ago, but that was so long ago that it doesn’t count anymore. The insides always remind me of a Oreo cookie blizzard… ” cool” I ah mean… interesting isn’t it? See it’s just a perfect word. “cool.” Well, there should be more fruit photos, but each time I sliced off a piece I ate it before it made it to the camera… I was hungry, the light was good, and lunch was a memory… life’s like that. It’s a unusual kind of fruit to find in apple country, down on the coast they are common because there are more Asian groceries… but here in big sky land, not so much. “Cool” right?