My Way of Living + Words

It’s not winter in my world

Reality:In philosophy, reality is the state of things as they actually exist rather than as they may appear or might be imagined. re·al·i·ty [ree-al-i-tee] Noun Reality, cold hard facts. Real stuff. Real… hmmmmm right. Well who wants to live in reality when you can live in a not real world where it’s always your favourite season, at least until you look out the window and notice it’s snowing.


Or maybe you would like to live like the Boo, where it’s always meal least in his reality. And despite his doing his best to convince us that it’s always meal time, he does have to wait.


Spring is making me wait, as I look out the window of reality into yet another day of snow falling in my garden, well I think there is a garden under that white mound.


Who can blame me for not wanting to live in’s cold, some days it’s dark, gloomy, and snowy. Well at least there are birds in reality.feeding frantically because of the snow. Birds, and bills, and phone calls, chores, and laundry, and what’s for dinner?


Now why do I have to live in reality again? If I live in my world, there are only flowers blooming, a gardener’s heart that is overflowing, spring abounding. The perfect garden in a perfect world… no muss, no fuss, no bugs… no water restrictions… I think I have some gardening to do in my not so real world… wish me dirty hands, and a happy heart. And then I will come back to reality and make dinner.

HAPPY, Life, and more:

It’s not winter in my world + Words