Moving, a perfect way to lose, or break almost anything that is near and dear to you. All day long it seems like we are asking each other, do you know where the"_ _ _ _ “ is, or have you seen the _ _ _ _ lately? How do things disappear into thin air, out of a cardboard box, never to reappear again. Especially when you know that you packed them at the other end. We are missing a few items that have a huge sentimental value, my husbands participation medal from his first marathon. The photos, the medal, the paperwork, all gone… The little alarm clock that was on my night table for over a decade, ever since my Mom gave it to me… gone.
I’ve since found the frying pan, and the baking rack, but the salad spinner is gone. The cute little cache pot I used for small plants is broken, a beautiful glass bowl is chipped, and my wonderful dragonfly bird bath has a broken wing. All day we ask each other, have you seen the _ _ _ or the _ _ _, it’s like insert item, so much is misplaced, or maybe missing. Many of our boxes survived their upside down delivery, and I honestly don’t know where in the two part move it happened. Somewhere along the line, the boxes in my craft room have been turned upside down, not a good thing for boxes with small parts. So all of my carefully packed crafting supplies are hither and thither… that’s life I guess. But can’t anyone read “this side up?”
Seems like his highness, Bootsie has settled in nicely. He loves the space, and aside from the neighbours yappy dog, hasn’t any problems. He follows the sun, moving from room to room. Stuff is getting out there, but it still seems over whelming messy, and I have a problem with that. We have almost decided on a paint color, I know… I keep teasing you with hints… but the house is messier then I like, and I just haven’t seen the sun for so long that most of my shots are blurry with the lack of light. I did find my flash, and I will need to organize some shots to share.please be patient.
Between the move, setting up house, and helping out my Mom, and Dad, we are a little wiped. It’s slowly getting better, now if I can just find the _ _ _ or the _ _ _ life would be grand.