One of my blog readers was mentioning that I did not have a updated URL for her blog on my blog roll. I immediately went in to fix it, and that is when things really started rolling. With best intentions I went to her blog, visited, and then I was interested on another blogger on her blog roll, so I clicked on that blog, and had a good visit, and then there was another blog on the new blogs sidebar. And about 10 clicks, and 40 minutes later, well you get the picture. What was I there for again? Oh right, I was supposed to fix my blog roll.
Wondering why the blog roll is on the bottom of my sidebar? Well, that apparently is where Blogger wants it to be. And after trying 2 different browsers, and many attempts at a better placement I have come to a compromise with Blogger. It no longer deletes my blog roll, and I leave it where it is. This way at least I can add a new blogger to it without deleting the entire thing again. Anyone else having the same problems?
I really do read all your blogs, and there are many more that I don’t have listed. Who says the housework needs to get done in a timely fashion? Since we got our computer, and I started blogging, well…I may have let the housework slip a bit, but Bootsie doesn’t seem to mind as long as we feed him regularly. Jane