Hard to believe that a short 4 years ago I had said we didn’t need a computer. Now that I am infected with computeritis I know that I require one desperately, and could not function without it. Not just for blogging, but for photo editing, creating new cards for my Muddy Boot Dreams card line, and running my home based business. But each time I carve out a small section of time, I succumb to computeritis, and my resolve goes out the door. There are emails to look at, Face Book beckons, and twitter wants ME! I have the best intentions, just to let that creativity flow, and somehow channel it towards production. Get right in there and edit those photos, but why don’t I download them after I check out FB? It’s not like they have been sitting in the camera forever…yes those emails were important, and Face Book was calling my name, but did I really have to spend all that much time twittering my energy away? Oh, and my Zazzle store desperately needs updating, along with my website.

I need a workflow coach, one who will also make me work like crazy, and then get up and stretch. Not just stretch, work out, exercise. And then more work. “No FB until you complete this task.” “No twittering until you download those photos…and edit them.” Right now my workflow coach is sleeping on the bed, gently snoring away his dinner, that’s Bootsie I am talking about. The one who wants food every hour, on the hour, or to play with his string, which involves me running through the 800 square foot condo, and him watching me from a doorway. He refuses to let me work too long, “take a break” he says, and while you are at it, get me some more food. I think I need to fire him, or at least try someone else out.

But…I hear FB calling me, and there are emails that need answering, oh and someone just started to follow me on twitter…I need to check them out.