If the seasons had personalities like people do what would they be like. Spring would be demure, and soft spoken, all coy glances, and soft pink frills, a real girly kind of personality. Summer would be exuberant, open arms, hugs, tank tops a throw back to the hippy days with a real anything goes kind of attitude. Fall would be quiet and contemplative a bookworm that loves details, cosy fires, crisp leaves, and long walks.

And Winter… well it would be like that person that seems prickly and hard to get to know, but turns out to be not a curmudgeon, but a faithful, and honest companion. The one that you would call when you needed something that you couldn’t ask anyone else to do for you. The one that sets boundaries that only open up after years of friendship, and then very carefully lets you in bit by bit. Winter is determined, fierce, and loyal, do not turn against winter, it will never forgive you. Winter can be playful, not like summer, or spring, but in a here’s beautiful day get outside and enjoy it kind of way. Winter will take you out of your comfort zone, it’s good at doing that. But it is also a teacher, you will learn more about yourself in winter then any other season.

Spring dilly dallies… flounces about with it’s blossoms, and bulbs, it’s not a serious season, it’s very into itself, all about renewal, like a day at the spa.

Summer is gregarious, mercurial, some days it’s over the top, others days it embraces you wholeheartedly. Summer has many moods most of them sunny, but when it’s unhappy you will know it, think of summer storms…

Fall, is more complex then we realize, deep, thoughtful, planning ahead, always considerate of what’s to come. Fall is responsible for winter’s happiness, and never forgets that, it would love to just relax, let the leaves fall as they may, but it can’t. Fall is like the older child, it knows it’s responsibilities and will never shirk them.

Winter is demanding, and can be harsh, but occasionally regrets that behaviour, so it tries to make up for it’s strength by fluctuating… winter hasn’t quite figured out who it is yet. Some days it’s warm and inviting, letting spring peek through the bare patches in the snow, the grass start to green, and then it changes it mind. Holding onto the season with all of it’s might. Winter sometimes you are hard to love, but we are trying and learning to embrace you. Don’t forget to link up your No winter Whining – Finding color in winter this Sunday Jan 19th at Life is like a garden to join in our No Winter Whining link up party. And be sure to “like” our Facebook page , and join in fun at our NWW pinterest boards. One post per week will be given the NWW virtual snowball award, and their posts added to the FB and Pinterest sites. Linky will stay open until the following Thursdays. So get those cameras clicking and find some color in winter.