I’ve always had a healthy disdain for cell phones, and the way they are overused in public. But since we started house hunting, I have found out how useful it is to have one with us. We have been snapping shots of interiors, using them while driving by For Sale signs, and as a memory jogger. When there are lots of houses to view, it’s very easy to get mixed up on the details. And since you don’t want to remember the living room from the first house, the bathroom from the third house, and the basement of the fourth house as a completely new home, it’s good to have a visual reference. Trust me on that one.
At night when you sit on the couch with your head spinning over what color the tub was in the second to last house you saw that day, you can just pull up the photo on your phone and voila, it really was violet, not beige.
We have been using ours to keep track of details like which room belonged to which house, and what was the backyard like? All those little details that will elude you when you stop getting in and out of the vehicle, and start to filter through everything that you have seen that day.
A good way to do that is to click a shot off of the MLS listing info sheet that your Realtor will give to you for each house. You will end up having a catalogue of what the rooms look like, with the MLS listing info sheet as the start page. This way you can always tell your houses apart. And you won’t be remembering the violet tub being in the wrong house. PS: If you are loving the android phone apps as much as I am, check out Photojojo’s new blog. You will find a link on Muddy Boot Dreams Facebook page.